NEW YORK | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez just may be the ultimate ‘change candidate.’ She made headlines two years ago when she became the youngest woman ever elected to congress. She was raised in the Bronx with her parents, both Puerto Rican, and her younger brother. She saw first hand the effects on income inequality, specifically within the district she now represents. After college, she returned home and worked as a bartender to support her family financially. 

In 2016 she worked as an organizer on Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. Like Bernie, AOC is a democratic socialist. She’s been outspoken about Medicare for All, free public colleges, cancelling student loan debt and the Green New Deal of (which she co-sponsored). She decided to run for office after the 2016 election. She challenged Rep. Joe Crowley, a long time democrat and representative for the 14th district. Her campaign was unprecedented and became a national news story. It was a completely grassroots effort that relied entirely  on local organizing efforts. After her primary win, AOC became a household name and won her seat in congress in 2018. 

Since then, she has made immeasurable strides in congress. Not only is she an effective legislator, but she has also been able to connect with the members of her district in a way unlike most other politicians. She uses social media as a way to communicate with her constituents and to listen and respond to people’s issues. 

She is now up for re-election this November, after winning her democratic primary. She has made it her mission to fight not for big corporations or the rich and powerful, but for working class families. She fights for reproductive rights, racial equality, and environmental justice. 


Alexandria’s Campaign Video