One Clear Choice: Joe Biden & Kamala Harris

From our founders.

Vote Like a Girl is led by a small, but well-intended, team. We are women from across the political spectrum, living in small towns and large cities, some red, some blue. But, all of us joined this effort because of one shared common frustration: the lack of civility, substance, and progress of our current political reality.

We launched our company to celebrate the thousands of women using their voice and their energy to move our nation forward. Our intention was to avoid partisan talking points and instead focus on the real issues that deserve attention, serious debate, and enjoy consensus across the political divide. Our hope was that we would elevate the conversation, in some small way, and move our country forward.

We want affordable healthcare, for everyone. We want our children, and all of us to be safe from gun violence. We want our country to take an honest look at systemic racism and police brutality. We want our schools, teachers, students to have the funding and resources they need to thrive, all of them. We want to end food insecurity, address economic inequities, ensure that women control their reproductive health; and make sure that all of us are able to marry and pray to whomever we choose. We want to address our warming planet and heal our nation’s divide.

But, let’s get real. We can’t solve problems of this magnitude if we can’t start from a commonplace of truth. 

We have done our best to remain non-partisan, but have spent the past months researching, talking to candidates, and paying close attention. Under this administration, as one year lead to the next, after Charlottesville, children in cages, a damning special counsel’s report and an impeachment, that was taken seriously and discussed honestly, by only one side; after the slow, painful downward trajectory of our national debate, the constant division, distrust and dysfunction, and a seemingly paralyzed, complicit Republican party, it became clear to us, that our government was broken. 

We are women, mothers, sisters, daughters, and perhaps most importantly, communicators. We know how to listen, how to meet people where they are and move forward toward a common goal. But when there is no longer a common baseline of truth, when we live in two completely different realities, when all the adults have left the building and rhetorical talking points replace honest conversation and serious debate, progress is not possible. Nothing will get better and most things will get worse.

The problems facing our country right now are complex, nuanced, and will take all of us to fix. Republican and Democratic candidates need to be able to honestly discuss the reality of systemic racism, climate change, underfunded schools, escalating healthcare costs, and gun violence. They should not be constrained by bumper stickers, partisan rhetoric, and blame games. We need to demand better from our representatives, and we need to expect more from one another, and most of all, we need to seek the truth, not conflict.

Until then, our small, but well-intended, non-partisan organization has found ourselves feeling the urgency of this moment, and like so many others (with far greater credentials than our own): New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Journal, Scientific American, USA Today,  50 Former Republican National Security Officials, top-ranking Generals, and Admirals a group of 700 economist, including 7 Nobel prize winners, we are compelled to take a stand and choose a side.

Vote Like a Girl is on the side of science, diplomacy, good governance, unity, truth and progress. For us, the one clear choice is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this Presidential election. May they lead us back to one another and move our country and our world, forward.

Kim McCusker