TX 14th Adrienne Bell
With November 3rd quickly approaching, we are excited to continue our Change Candidates to Watch series. To learn more about any of our candidates (and find out how to take action or where to donate), visit their page on our Voter Guide 2020. This week we will be highlighting the candidate for Texas’s 14th district: Adrienne Bell.
Who is Adrienne Bell?
Adrienne is a teacher and activist, born and raised in Houston, Texas. During the 2008 election, Adrienne started working as a community organizer. She became the deputy field director for the Obama campaign in Texas, where she worked to expand voter turnout and train new volunteers and organizers.
Vote Like a Girl got the chance to ask Adrienne a few questions, including, why she had decided to run for office. Here is what she said:
“The national political landscape is ignoring the voices of the people. I decided to run because we need leaders who bring a different perspective and bold views to Washington. I am a school teacher that is not controlled by big money donors or special interests and will go to Congress unbiased and unbought.”
As a public school teacher, Adrienne has seen first hand the systemic challenges to our public schools. Part of her platform is an investment in educators and equal access to quality education across the country.
She also knows that, right now, the issue most people are focused on is healthcare and COVID-19. She is a proud supporter of Medicare for All and making sure that healthcare is a right for all citizens. We asked Adrienne what she sees as the most important political issue today. Here was her response:
“Currently the most important issue is getting a handle on COVID19. This is a public health issue, which should not have been treated as a political issue, but the mishandling of this crisis at the federal level, has made it political. This virus has revealed the issues that we often discuss in the lack of healthcare, housing and economic stability.”
Finally, just to liven things up, we asked Adrienne, if you could have an intimate dinner with 3 people you admire (alive or deceased) who would it be and why? Here's what she said (and, we'd love to be at that dinner table too):
Harriet Tubman. Her bravery and fierceness in helping others to freedom is fascinating. Shirley Chisholm. She was the first Black woman elected to Congress and broke barriers for others like myself. Rick Steves. I love to travel and he knows so much about Europe and history.
As you know, we here at Vote Like a Girl are strong advocates for more women in politics. Adrienne’s passion, life experience, and eagerness to invest in and lift up the people of her community make her the kind of representative that we all need in Congress. (And she has great taste in t-shirts).
How can you support Adrienne Bell?
There are a number of ways you can support Adrienne in the next 20 days. Whether or not you live in Texas, you can still phonebank, e-canvas, donate, register voters, post on social media, etc. To learn more about how to get involved, visit our Voter Guide 2020.