Don't Texas Our Virginia
from our founders, Kim & Allie
After years of taking our freedom of choice for granted, our democracy for granted, our free and fair elections for granted, it is hard to now live in this space where our country, and the ideals on which it was founded, are constantly under siege.
But, here we are again. Under siege.
We, the humble founders of Vote Like a Girl, are women, mothers of women, and we are also Virginians. Our beloved home state has a pretty important election in a few weeks and we feel compelled to weigh in.
“We founded this company to bridge the divide, to elevate the conversation and to focus attention on real issues, rather than bumper stickers and divisive, partisan rhetoric.”
We founded this company to bridge the divide, to elevate the conversation and to focus attention on real issues, rather than bumper stickers and divisive, partisan rhetoric. Why? Because when extreme voices are the ones that garner the attention it becomes more important than ever that the center holds.
We never intended to ‘pick a side,’ but right now one side (today’s Republican party) is broken, and it is taking the rest of us down with it. Don’t let them Texas our Virginia.
Glen Youngkin is the Republican nominee running for Governor in the state of Virginia. Normally, we do not take a position against a candidate, but these are not normal times and Youngkin is not being honest with Virginia voters.
A few months ago, Glen Youngkin was caught on video saying he has to keep his anti-abortion views quiet to avoid alienating independent voters. The exact quote …“When I'm governor and I have a majority in the House we can start going on offense," he said. "But as a campaign topic, sadly, that in fact won't win my independent votes that I have to get.”
Obviously a candidate that runs on one position to gain power so that he can govern in support of another, is something that should alarm all of us. But that’s not all, there is more. Youngkin’s super PAC, has showered cash on down-ballot Republicans with extreme anti-choice views to the tune of some $400,000. Further, the Republican candidate for Lt. Governor Winsome Sears has stated that she would support Texas-like heartbeat legislation here in Virginia. Pull all of this together and it seems rather obvious, Youngkin and the VA state Republican party leaders may want most of us to believe that they hold a moderate, mainstream view regarding a women’s right to choice — but their actions and their words suggest they hold a far more extreme and dangerous position on this critical issue.
We know that most Virginians believe a woman should control her body, her life choices and her destiny. That a 12 year old girl that has been sexually assaulted should not be forced by the state to carry the child of her abuser, any more than a college student with faulty birth control should be forced by the state to alter her life path, or a mother of three should be forced to choose between holding her family together as best she can, or battle yet another devastating bout of postpartum depression.
“We know that most Virginians believe a woman should control her body, her life choices and her destiny. ”
We know most Virginians realize that this is a complicated issue that deserves thoughtful, nuanced policy solutions, not a sledge hammer and a vigilante that thinks his ideology trumps a woman’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness — or a millionaire turned gubernatorial candidate that has been dishonest about his position on this very important issue to women voters.
One more thing. Youngkin is a BIG LIE guy too.
Recently Youngkin has called for an audit of Virginia voting machines. In the 2020 election, President Biden won Virginia by 10 points. There has been zero evidence of any irregularities in our 2020 election, and Virginia’s state elections department has already conducted a post-election audit, running a statewide “risk-limiting audit” for the first time after the last election, solely because of this LIE. No surprise here, but the Virginia audit confirmed the 2020 results in the state.
“We all need to start voting for a government that will serve ALL of the people, not just the loud, obnoxious ones that storm capitols and want elections to be decided with violence, rather than votes. ”
Like so many other Republican leaders today, Youngkin’s false and misleading accusations against our state election results work solely to undermine the confidence of Virginia voters in our democratic process, and threaten the very foundation of our democracy. Continuing to fuel this lie, should be disqualifying.
Virginia, if you want a functioning, effective government that believes representatives should work to solve problems, not create them; if you want elected leaders that are dedicated to the constitution and the strength of our democracy, rather than to power and to a lie that threatens the very foundation of democracy — vote BLUE on November 2nd.
Virginia Democrats, Independents and disheartened Republicans, we all need to start voting for a government that will serve ALL of the people, not just the loud, obnoxious ones that storm capitols and want elections to be decided with violence, rather than votes. We need to vote for leaders that are honest about where they stand on issues that are important to us, and we definitely do NOT need leaders that cater to a coalition that is increasingly dangerous and anti-democratic. This is heavy stuff, we know. That’s why it is more important than ever that we all VOTE! In-person absentee voting is going on now through Oct. 30th, and election day is November 2nd. Please, for all of the above reasons, cast your vote for…
Terry McAuliffe for Governor
Hala Ayala for Lt. Governor
Mark Herring for Attorney General
We need our democracy back. We need sanity back. We need a functioning Republican party back. Heck we need Texas back. Virginia, let’s start fixing this mess here and now: vote blue no matter who on November 2nd.
Sincerely as always,
Kim & Allie
sources: IGOR DERYSH. Virginia GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin tries to pivot away from Trump — but there's nowhere to go. Salon. 2021 July 24. / JULIA MANCHESTER. Virginia GOP lt. gov. nominee says she would support heartbeat abortion legislation. The Hill. 2021 September 4. / ZACH MONTELLARO. Youngkin continues call for ‘audit’ of election machines in Virginia. Politico. 2021 October 5.