Get The Damn Shot!
By Diane Bolster, Charlotte, NC
I don’t know about you guys, but I haven’t been this pissed off since the evil mind-controlling government took away my Constitutional right to get polio.
And pass it on to others.
And I’ll never forgive the government for taking away my Constitutional right to let my toddler run amok inside my car as I’m driving and go flying through the windshield if I’m in an accident. No one can take away my Constitutional right to endanger my own child; this is America.
Are you $!@&ing kidding me??
Get your damn COVID vaccine and quit being part of the problem.
If the driving force of your existence is to protect freedom, by all means, enlist in the military and put your life on the line to serve your country. Not getting vaccinated against a pandemic virus that has cost the lives of countless Americans and wreaked havoc on the economy, our children’s education, and the collective mental health of our nation isn’t protecting freedom. It’s an ill-informed act of meaningless protest at other people’s expense. You’re screaming soundlessly into the virus-filled wind.
What would Jesus Do?!?
He’d get the damn shot. He’d behave like he cares what happens to other people. He’d be his brother’s keeper and cover your shift at work or babysit your kids while you go get your shot.
Concerns about fertility?
Maybe you can discuss it with some of the unvaccinated pregnant women who got COVID and miscarried. Or the young widower who recently lost both his unborn child and unvaccinated wife to COVID and grieves with the knowledge that their deaths were over 99% preventable.
Think your decision only affects you?
Try having that debate with a guilt-ridden unvaccinated parent who infected their own children or the unvaccinated healthcare worker who recently brought the Delta variant home from work and watched helplessly and remorsefully as it killed her husband, mother, and son. Discuss it with anguished family members whose last memory of their loved one is their begging for the vaccine before they were put on a ventilator.
My body, my choice?!?
Yeah. Let’s talk about pro-choice, shall we? What’s going to kill me is the irony.
You do not know better than the top infectious disease specialists in the world- the ones who keep Ebola and Marburg and smallpox at bay and have developed such effective treatments for HIV infection that diagnosis is no longer a death sentence and patients can reach the point where there is no detectable virus in their bodies. Their mission in life is not tricking you into lifesaving medical treatment; it’s saving lives.
The government is not trying to trick you into lifesaving medical treatment either — and it’s not achieving mass mind control by manipulating you into protecting yourself and others against a preventable communicable disease. Please take a second to stand back and appreciate how completely bat shit crazy it is to even entertain that idea, much less to let it inform your healthcare decisions.
Quit being a selfish primadonna and do your part. Get the damn shot. And for God’s sake let your kids have it.
I would apologize for ranting, but I’m not sorry. What I am is sick and tired of is selfishness and foolishness. I’m angry that people are dying from preventable illness, that plans for the new school year are being made around those who refuse to protect themselves, their children, and their children’s classmates from preventable illness, and the fact that I and others like me who have done exactly what we’ve been asked to do by public health experts to serve the greater good are being sent back to square one because of people who won’t do the same.
We are witnessing the death of common sense and the victory of selfishness. I won’t apologize for railing against it.
by: Diane Bolster, Charlotte, NC